Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bad day, bad week, bad month, bad year....

Have you ever felt that no matter what you do, things are just going to go wrong?  Well, that's my life so far this year.

We started off good, don't get me wrong, but things have gone downhill fast.  In February, my grandpa became ill and was hospitalized.  I was told that he was doing fine, and that he would be released the next day, which did happen.  After being home for two days, he went back into the hospital briefly, and then back home again.  A day later, hospice was set up, as he was going downhill fast, and it was coming close to the end for him.  That night, my grandpa passed away.  Thankfully, I was able to get to see him twice in those last days and let him know how much he was loved. 
Looking back, I remember my grandfather as a man who was much loved and blessed by God.  He was married to my grandma for 64 years, had 9 children, 27 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren (I think I got the numbers of grandchildren and great-grandchildren right).  He lived a long life, and was well loved by us all.  He was ready to go when he was called by God, and he went peacefully.

Now, this month, not even a month from my grandfather's illness and subsequent passing, I received the phone call stating that my former boss, and very good friend, was diagnosed with end-stage liver cancer.  He had been feeling a bit off for a while, and finally went in to see the doctor.  He was admitted to the hospital a day later to receive treatment for water retention and a full body scan, after which he was basically given two options - either receive chemotherapy and possibly extend his life by a week or two, or try to live comfortably for the next two months until he passed.  He chose to try chemotherapy, and had one treatment this past Saturday.  He was released from the hospital, and things were looking up a bit.  Yesterday morning he was re-admitted to the hospital because the pain medication he was able to take at home wasn't cutting it.  He decided at that time to stay in the hospital on hospice care until the end, no more chemotherapy.  Today, his kidneys have failed, and he is entering the last day or two of his life.  He is 64 years old, has a wife he met in Germany while he was in the Army, a son, a niece that he raised as his own daughter from age 13, and three grandchildren.  As his friend, I will miss him greatly when he is gone. 

The rest of these "bad" things are trivial, but I guess just build up.  I have four sick kids - three of which are also teething - the brake line broke on my van while trying to avoid hitting some dogs that were wandering in the highway, my youngest has gone on a "nursing strike", and I have lost my milk supply due to lack of sleep and my own illness, and I've gotten 5 hours of sleep over the last two nights.

I know that things will get better.  I know that these are all things that are part of life.  I also know that all of these things suck, some more than most.  I have been accused of being a self-centered person that cares more about myself and my life than the goings on in the world right now, and of being hard-hearted when I have said that I just don't have the energy to care about what is happening on the other side of the world right now.  Am I wrong to concentrate more on what is going on here, with me and my family?  Am I a terrible person for feeling overwhelmed?  I don't think I am.  What do you think?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Continuation of Political Drama

Ashley  Actually religion and politics are based in facts so opinions can be wrong. And it's obviously worth your time to argue with friends and family over a difference of opinion seeing as you were the first one to comment on my post hence you care about what I think, obviously. And you told me to relax which basically means you didn't want to hear my opinion and that's not very open minded now, is it?
about an hour ago ·
    Jennifer Mueller Actually, I told you to relax since you're all worked up, not because of what you think. There is no reason to get worked up about politics or religion. The louder you shout, the less people will listen. You'll learn that as you get older, though.
    And as far as politics go, you still have no idea where I stand on the issue, do you? Have you asked, or do you just assume you know because of a previous post of mine put up as an EXAMPLE of how things can be construed different ways, drawing different reactions from different people? If you're confused about it, you can take a look at a post before that where I reference putting up that statement as such.
    2 seconds ago ·


    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Definition of open minded as per



    [oh-puhn-mahyn-did] Show IPA
    having or showing a mind receptive to new ideas or arguments.
    unprejudiced; unbigoted; impartial.


    o·pen-mind·ed·ly, adverb
    o·pen-mind·ed·ness, noun
    Where in here is the word argumentative?  Funny, I don't see it.

    Another Political Drama

    Now, this didn't happen on my wall, but on a family member' and follow along if you'd like, and then see my views below.  The bolded entries are the original poster's and my own.
    Has officially argued about global climate change, politics, and religion in the past week and I'm getting steamed up, especially about the politics. And to think, some people care more about their superficial box they call life than what's going on in their world - their children's world - today!

        Jennifer Mueller You need to relax. I don't talk politics or religion because no matter what you say, you're not going to change what people think. That, and some people will argue just for the sake of arguing, whether they know they are wrong or not.
        10 hours ago ·
      • get em 9 hours ago · 
      • B i disagree, keep arguing ash, you can make a difference girl! :) sombody has to do it!
        7 hours ago · 
      • D that's for sure Ashley it's horrible and scary what's going on
        2 hours ago ·  · ...
      • Ashley  WOW, it's people who relax in times of revolution that get bowled over. If you ignore the issues of today's society then you're not an active member of it. And it hurts to see people tell me not to talk politics if they vote. I really hope you don't because if you can't support your opinion in any other way than voting that's just sad. Be an upstanding and open minded citizen and it will take you places.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Ashley And you don't talk politics or religion because you're scared. I'm not.
        about an hour ago ·  ·...
    •  Jennifer Mueller I'm not scared, I just don't believe it's worth my time to argue with friends and family over a difference of opinion. I also know that it's a wasted effort on the person arguing with me, because I do my research and base my opinions on that. Being open minded doesn't mean that you have to argue - it means being able to listen to a different opinion and discuss it rationally without getting all puffed up about it.
    • about an hour ago ·

     Ok, let me start off by saying that I normally don't have any issue with telling people exactly what I think.  Now, that said, I tend to rein myself in when it comes to doing that to friends and family, merely because I tend to respect their right to their own opinion.  And maybe I've become less argumentative due to the fact that I have given birth to three children in the last two years and am just too exhausted to argue, or it could just be that at almost 33 years old, I am finally grown up enough to know when not to waste my time.
    Again, I don't argue the line on politics.  I do my research and base my decision of who I vote for on that.  I don't let someone's yelling/preaching/obstinancy rule my way of thinking.  I believe that if you are going to talk politics with someone, it should be done rationally.  If you can show me something different than what I've found, then maybe I'll change my mind.  If you are going to insinuate that I am lax in the happenings of the world today, all I can say is that you are wrong.  Especially since YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE I STAND on the issue at hand.  You have never once actually asked where I stand.  And attempting to get me incensed enough to argue with you is just ridiculous.

    The Education of Children

    I wonder, quite often actually, why there aren't more parents involved in their child's schooling.  Do these parents have the right to complain that their children aren't learning in school when they take no interest until they get their child's report card?  I say no, they don't.

    I regularly check my daughter's grades on-line, and check to see if she has been handing her work in on time.  I stay in regular contact with her teachers to make sure that if there are any issues, they can be addressed right away before things get out of hand.  I also make sure that the teachers know that they can contact me if there are any concerns, be they behaviour or academic.  Keeping an open line of communication with the school makes for a better learning experience for my child.  When my daughter comes home from school, the first thing she does is do her homework.  If she has questions, she asks me.  If I can help, I do.  If I can't, we try to find the answer somehow, usually by looking it up in her book.  She has a 3.65gpa as of the end of the last grading period.

    If you don't do these simple things with your child, how can you complain about their lack of learning?  Your child's education does not sit solely in the hands of his/her teachers.  If you as a parent are uninvolved, what are you complaining about?

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011


    This is what occurred on my facebook page today.   I stand firm behind my belief that if you wouldn't say something out loud, you shouldn't post it on the internet.  Am I wrong in that belief? 
    Jennifer Mueller
    If you don't agree with someone's lifestyle, it's your prerogative, but don't think you can make comments about it without angering those who do agree with it. When you knowingly make hurtful and derogatory comments, you deserve whatever flak you receive.
    5 hours ago · Friends Only · · 

    • . Carrie I don't care what anyone says, personal attacks on someone's children are uncalled for no matter what.  
        Jennifer Mueller
        Apparently, this status needs some clarification. Though I admit that I did put it up due to someone else's status, I need to make it clear that it is not intentionally aimed at one particular person. It is aimed at any and all of my frie...nds on here that think that they won't get flak for the things they say. I do believe that the topics of Religion, Politics, and Homosexuality, will bring out the worst in people when they don't agree with your own views. Frankly, you can feel however you want about any one of these things, and it's no skin off my back. I have my beliefs, and you have yours. Just because they are different doesn't mean that we can't be friends, it just means I won't discuss them with you.
        Jennifer Mueller C - you are correct, and if anyone said something like that about my children, I would be beyond irate, and that person (or persons) would be immediately removed from my life completely. I don't need, nor do I want, people like that in my life.
        about an hour ago ·
        Carrie  but you said that "you deserve WHATEVER flak you recieve" - so I guess I thought you were saying that was ok now...
        about an hour ago ·
        Jennifer Mueller
        I did say that. I guess I took it for granted that people would know that I meant that they deserved the flak aimed towards them, not their children. If I put up a status saying "All redheads are idiots" (and they're not, this is just an ...EXAMPLE!), I would expect those of my friends that are redheads to give ME a hard time about it, and be justifiably angry. I also know that 99% of my friends would never bring my children into the conversation and be derogatory towards them. I do NOT believe that making derogatory/rude/hurtful comments towards someone's child is ok. Especially on FB. People tend to think that it's ok to post things on the internet that they would never say out loud, and not have people's feelings get hurt. It's not true. If you won't say it out loud, you shouldn't post it.
        Jennifer Mueller You are entitled to your opinion, but so are other people. When you voice your opinion on here, do you really expect no one to respond to it? Just watch what happens with my next post. I'll bet that even my family members react towards it. I am going to post "Scott Walker is my hero". I have family that I know vehemently oppose him and his ideals, and I'll bet that I hear it! Regardless of whether I stand behind him or not doesn't matter. I am prepared for whatever I get.
        Jennifer Mueller Oh, and I'm going to delete your last post on here - simply because I don't want anyone who reads this to feel they can message a complete stranger about what they perceive to be your opinion on homosexuality. I know what your intent was, and you have every right to your own opinion, which is why I responded to your original post in the manner that I did. I wasn't mean about it, nor did I attack your opinion or your beliefs, or those of your friends and family. I did say you should have known better.
        I WAS prepared for comments from people - as a matter of fact the FIRST words of my status were "I may get some flak for this..." all I'm saying is that they went too far by including my family and friends in their nastiness. and I understa...nd that other people are entitled to their opinions as well and I respect that. what I don't respect is personal attacks involving children. and by posting this status aimed directly at me, I felt you were being mean. especially when we talked about it privately and you said you understood how I felt about the comments about my kids. I own what I said. that is not the issue here. I think we can agree on that?See More
    There are obviously some things left unsaid in this post, like the personal and private conversation Carrie and I had.  I will clarify a few things if you're wondering about them.
    I have no problem with homosexuality.  You can love whomever you want, and as far as I'm concerned, gay marriage should be allowed.  Why not let them be miserable like the rest of us married folk?  :)
    If you have a problem with homosexuality, fine.  I don't care.  I don't want to hear your views, because there is no way you are going to change the way I feel about it, so don't waste your time or energy on trying.  You believe anything you want.  If you don't want to be friends with me because of that, then fine.
    As far as Politics, I regretfully decline to discuss my views, other than to say that I am basically a Republican with some Liberal leanings, depending on the topic.  Whether or not I support Scott Walker is my business.  I won't discuss my views because I have seen many friendships torn apart by opposing political views. 
    And for religion, I am a NON-PRACTICING CATHOLIC.  I put that in caps because I want to make it clear that though I believe in God, I don't necessarily believe in all the teachings of the Catholic church.  I believe in a loving and benevolent God, and that the way to live a Godly life is to try to be a kind and giving person while trying to avoid sin.  I also know that I am not perfect, and am a sinner, but that with prayer, I will be forgiven.  That's my stand.